Our vision this year is to Transform our Communities & World with Hope. We will accomplish this through our weekend services & our weekly ministries to the community. In addition to that, we have identified some specific projects that we will pursue to bring hope to others. Learn more about these projects and how you can partner with us to bring hope to others in 2024 by continuing below...
Global Impact
Impacted 22,552 people with our donations to meal packing & our donations to Israel & to combat human trafficking internationally.
Local Impact
Impacted 14,156 people by providing a community movie night, daddy-daughter dance, mother-son event, a date night, Fusion Winter Retreat, serving a meal to the homeless & a donation to the Michigan Abolitionists Project.
Total Impacted: 36,708+
Goal: $40,000
Actual: $32,530
Project: Complete
India has an estimated 30 million orphaned and abandoned children (UNICEF)... more than any country in the world! That's why we are partnering with a local non-profit, One Less Inc., to help TRANSFORM the world by building a house for orphans in India.
Total Impacted: 25+
Total Cost $30,000
Actual: $30,000
Estimated Project Completion Date: October 1st
Since January, we have provided 175 hours of free professional counseling for our church family and the community. We have added an additional counselor. The counseling is free for our church family and the community, but we pay the counselors for their services.
Total Impact: 115+ people
Total Spent to Date: $1,700
Additional Estimated Cost - $3,400
Project: Ongoing
Our original intent was to buy a commercial washer and dryer for the community. However, based on the funds that came in, we decided to buy a smaller washer and dryer for general use for church projects and events such as baptisms, men’s events, women’s events, etc. These can also be used by individuals or families in the community in need on a case-by-case basis.
Estimated Cost: $5,000
Actual Cost: $1,864.16
Project: Complete
TVC partnered with Nate and Kala Sipple to plant Pinnacle Church in Smyrna, Tennessee. Here's a note from Pastor Nate:
I just wanted to send out a quick email to thank you for your generosity to Pinnacle Church and the community we are a part of here in Middle Tennessee. I wanted you to know that we are praying for you and your family. I do not take lightly the investment you've made in our vision, but more importantly, the investment you are making in the Kingdom of God. I wanted to show you a text we got this week from a congregation member: "I've been looking for a church for so long, and I've finally found it! The music was great, and the message was just what I needed. I'm so thankful for this church!" - DW
Goal: $5,000
Actual: $5,000